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Digital Hemoglobinometer Standard Manufactured by Atico Medical

Specifications :-

Digital Hemoglobinometer is also known as Hb Reader.

Hb Reader is designed on “Cyanmethaemoglobin method”.

The cumbersome step of calculation is deleted while using this Hb Reader.

The final result of the unknown test will be displayed directly (gm/dl).

There is no need of calculations.

O.D. Switch is also given in case of optical density is required to cross check the reading.

A micro controller has been incorporated in the system for accuracy & reproducibility of findings.

Hb Reader is a compact, elegant, very reliable micro controller based equipment to produce accurate results.

Hb reader has been designed to operate in the following two modes.

STD. MODE (Concentration of 15 gm/dl has been fed)

NON STD. MODE  (Absorbance of 0.30 (O.D.) has been fed)

In case, the CONC. or ABS. of STD are different from 15 gm/dl or 0.30 respectively, the user can feed the required values with the help of switch no.3 & 4 given on the KEYPAD on front panel)

Technical Specifications

Wavelength filter : - 546 ± 10nm glass filter

Minimum volume : - 1 ml

Display : - 2 1/2 digits seven segment display for Conc./ABS. measurement                          

Indicator : - 5 mm LED indicators provided for different modes

Light Source : - 6 V, 10 W, Tungsten Lamp

Director : Silicon photo diode

Input supply : - Mains : 220 ±10%, 50Hz, 1∅

              Battery : 12 V DC

Dimensions   : 12” x 11.5” x 6.25”

Test Tubes   : Square 10x10 mm (Plastic)

We are Manufacturer, Exporters and Suppliers of Digital Hemoglobinometer Standard at wholesale competitive prices from India.

Model No