(57 Reviews)



Exercising Unit Supplied by Atico Medical

Specification :

This Complete Exercisingunit comes with following attachments for administration of accurately controlled progressive resistive and also passive and stretching exercises to all major muscle and restoration of motion to all major joints with the exception of those of the fingers and toes. 

This unit has attachments for neck, knee and hip flexion and extension, trunk flexion, ankle planter and doorsiflexion, everation and inversion, internal and external rotation, adduction or abduction of the unit is 195cm long x 80cm wide and the table is 85cmhigh. 

The two section foam padded top is mounted on a tubular frame.

Complete Unit consist, Table, Weight pan assembly, wooden cabinet for storage with following attachments & accessories.

1) Ankle & Leg Exerciser

2) Supination- Pronation Wheel

3) Hip Rotation attachment

4) Quadriceps Rest

5) Pelvic Rest

6) Wire Handle-2

7) Aluminium Bar-18"

8) Aluminium Bar-24"

9) Aluminium Collars

10) Quadriceps boot (Adult)

11) Quadriceps boot (Child)

12) Small Weight Pan with rope, pulley & handle

13) Iron weight plates with stand

14) Shoulder strap for abdominal & back exerciser (Adult)

15) Shoulder strap for abdominal & back exerciser (Child)

16) Head Harness (Adult)

17) Head Harness (Child)

18) Wrist and Ankle Cuff

19) Body Strap

20) Bilateral Shoulder Pulley Set

21) Overhead pulley with clamp and rope

22) Bilateral free shoulder bar with pulley rope set

23) Thoracic-cervical extension pulley with rope set

24) Aluminium Bar fixing clamp

25) Foot Board - wooden

26) Spreader Bar

27) Foot Stool

28) M.S. Chains

29) Dog Clips

30) Rubber Shoes

31) Storage Cabinet-wooden

We are Exporters and Suppliers of Exercising Unit at wholesale competitive prices from India.

Model No :

PTME 101    Exercising Unit