Hospital Furniture

Medical Disposables

Showing all 3 results for "X-RAY CASSETTE SCREEN


    In the radiographic process, X-ray cassette screens play an important role, shielding the image, intensifying displays, and photographic plates used by diagnostic practitioners. The protection and conservation of the hospital X-ray cassette screen is a must for these specialists to create transparent, vivid images, and the x-ray cassette screen coverings of ATICO MEDICAL offer a critical solution to conserve and extend the existence of the cassette. The medical X-ray cassette screen serves as a light-proof container for radiation exposure where films or imaging plates are positioned. The x-ray cassette screen equipment guarantees that visible lighting will not compromise the highest-quality image for the technician and, in addition, prevents the contents from physical degradation caused by dust, soil, and other external pollutants. This also helps the technician to get the right shot efficiently and accurately, so as to minimize the exposure period for both themselves and the customer.